
Here you can enjoy pictures and stories of my travels. Enjoy!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dublin, Ireland

An overnight in Dublin provided us with two full days to enjoy the crowds, shopping, live music, Guinness, the array of green, cathedrals and castles. Riverdance at the Gaiety Theater was the BEST decision we could make! Smoke and blue lights set the eerie mood for the Celtic soprano vocalist. I couldn’t help but watch the musicians, as the percussionist was smiling and sweating and flailing about on the biggest drum set I’ve ever seen. A flamenco dancer whirled and stomped in red with a pained look on her brow. Russian dancers made the audience erupt in applause at their tricks and high jumps. Two tap dancers challenged three Irish step dancers to a duel in the streelight. But by far the pinnacle of the show was the furiously fast feet of the Irish step company in perfect unison. My jaw dropped in awe when their legs produced sounds faster than my mouth can make! I reveled in every moment of the show and am SO delighted we went!

Todd and I had to taste Jameson (the supposedly “Catholic” whiskey) and Bushmill’s (the “protestant” version) side by side and compare the two. Verdict: Jameson tasted smoother and simpler to me, while Bushmill’s had more flavors and may taste better plain than mixed. To each his own, but I’ll stick with my protestant roots!

The next day Brooke kindly invited Todd and me to tour around with her friend who lives in Dublin and her. Jeff was a fantastic tour guide, giving us the history of everything from Molly Malone to the Haypenny Bridge. We had lunch at Dakota (I was craving nachos and beer), I learned how to pour the perfect pint of Guinness at the Guinness Factory (with a clover in the foam, thank you very much,) and we enjoyed an outside drink with casties in Temple Bar while live music from inside seeped through the windows. I couldn’t believe Brooke’s boyfriend surprised me with a blue box of treats from Queen of Tarts that we devoured late at night in our room. Best day ever!!! 

Riverdance was brilliant!!!

Enjoying a Guinness with Chase and Ryan and the cast

My first attempt at a clover on top of the perfect pint of Guinness I learned to pour at the Guinness Factory

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