My heart is bursting with Spanish pride! It gave me such a peacefulness to return to this wonderful country after 6 years. My Spanish was rusty at first, but just hearing the pure Castilian accent flooded my mind with memories and vocabulary. I was a "madrugada" (girl who wakes at dawn) for "desayuno" (breakfast) and then I helped with excursions and got to join a tour called Stunning Seville.
Interesting fact: Ads are prohibited on the highway so you're not distracted trying to read while you're driving.
Common Spanish nicknames:
Javier: Javi
Jose: Pepe
Enrique: Kique/Kike
Francisco: Kico
Manuel: Manolo, Lolo
Dolores: Lola
Maria Isabel: Maribel
Maria Luisa: Marisa
Ana Isabel: Anabel
Lunch at the Macarena Hotel: gazpacho, sangria, patatas, cheeses, meats, beets and olives.
80% of Spanish oil is made in Andalucía. Over 100 species of olive trees.
Garden of the Dancer |
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